
It’s been awhile since I’ve put any thoughts down. Talk about a rollercoaster. Since I was diagnosed with Lyme, it’s been an uphill battle. Daily. Shit. Sometimes hourly.

Since last I wrote, I went off invanz, and went back to ceftriaxone. I was elated. that maybe, just maybe I’m gonna pull out of this hell I’ve been trapped in for 3+ years.

Yes. dR. Pomeranz fucked up. Made it worse. my face got to the point of it can’t get any bigger. I can see why no infectious disease doctor wanted to help. it’s because they all have a vested interest to not cure Lyme. None of the doctors I saw were even close. perhaps dr sarid was the closest. The rashes are slowly going away. The streaks on my stomach and back have started to go away.

My sinuses have started to shrink. I can breathe again. For the first time last night I had energy till 9pm. and that’s a real first.

The night sweats have become less. yEah they still come around but not as bad. The day sweats have pretty much tapered off.

It’s realistically only been 2 weeks’ish of antibiotics, but I am seeing improvement. fInally. It’s realistically been YEARS since I felt like this. it’s crazy to think that the entire time this was Lyme.

Watching that documentary gave me inspiration. tHat seeing people debilitated beyond anything can recover. The old saying goes, if other people are doing it, why can’t I? It’s pretty disgusting to think that the CDC and the IDSA consider Lyme to be a non-issue and easily cureable is downright disgusting to its core.

After seeing what Emily went through, I knew this wasn’t going to be easy. I’m hopeful that I can get outta this hole I’ve been trapped in. It’s truly a miracle that I’ve managed to stay employed this entire time.

I made the decision to stop seeing schleve. Yeah he was helping, but it grew to the point of it was only making things worse. The swelling on my face has gone down considerably. I continually look at pictures from before vs now, and there is an incredible difference.

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